About DriveThruRPG


DriveThruRPG is currently the largest online marketplace devoted to RPGs and RPG-related materials. With us, thousands of publishers—from big names you’ve seen in print, such as Wizards of the Coast and White Wolf Publishing, to our industry’s many talented small press innovators—have come together to list over ten thousand roleplaying titles to make sure you can get what you want, when you want it.

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About Roll20, LLC

Bringing together the power of the OneBookShelf/DriveThru family of sites and the Roll20 virtual tabletop and market, the leveled-up Roll20, LLC is dedicated to providing Everything for Your Adventures. With over two decades of combined experience as an industry champion, Roll20 connects audiences with high-profile and small press publishers, artists, and community content creators to help make their work as accessible as possible. 

Whether you’re looking for an online tabletop that unites gamers across any distance, a suite of roleplaying tools to make your sessions even better, or the largest online selection of digital and print-on-demand roleplaying games, comic books, cards, and fiction, Roll20 is here to make your adventures unforgettable. 


Click on any site name or logo below to visit any of our family of sites:



More than just an award-winning online tabletop (VTT) and market for optimized VTT materials, Roll20 also offers best-in-class solutions for connecting with players and GMs, creating characters, accessing rules systems or compendiums, and more. Whether you’re playing online or enhancing your in-person play, Roll20 levels up every adventure.

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Demiplane offers a game play “Nexus” for a rapidly-growing list of popular TTRPGs including Pathfinder 2E, Vampire: The Masquerade, and Avatar Legends RPG, and more. Each Nexus provides a digital character sheet, character builder and character management along with a beautiful digital-reading experience that assists players in quickly referencing any part of a game's rule system or content.
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The first downloadable comic and graphic novel store on the web featuring a wide selection of publishers and creators, including Aspen Comics, Valiant, and Top Cow, as well as hundreds of incredibly creative indie comic creators.

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Features titles from publishers and independent authors across a wide range of speculative fiction genres, from fantasy to mystery and romance to horror. Find crossover titles from much-loved RPG settings, non-fiction and how-to guides, or find your new favorite speculative fiction authors. 

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Connecting card game designers and fans with a marketplace that uses high-quality cards custom printed to every order. Check out our various custom card creators and make your own custom cards for your Pathfinder, Ascension, and Boss Monster games (among many more!).

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Dungeon Scrawl

Easily create battlemaps using this simple yet effective, free online map-making tool. Control colors, line widths, layers, and styles to create maps on the fly, or export them to the Roll20 VTT for use in your games there.

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Dungeon Masters Guild

In partnership with Wizards of the Coast, we created DMsGuild. This community content program allows creators to use Wizards of the Coast intellectual property and make their own new content. All editions of D&D are available on DMsGuild.

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Pathfinder Infinite & Starfinder infinite

In partnership with Paizo, content creators can sell adventures, fiction, setting supplements, rules expansions, maps, art packs, and more using Paizo’s intellectual property. Here you can, for the first time, write an RPG supplement set in the official Pathfinder or Starfinder settings and reference our locations, organizations, characters, deities, and more—then sell it to your fellow players and GMs!

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Storytellers Vault

In partnership with Paradox Interactive, the Storytellers Vault is a content creation program for World of Darkness, Chronicles of Darkness, and Exalted White Wolf games. Are you after new clan information or popular alternative rules and amendments to the official canon? Look no further! 

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Wargame Vault

Find your inner grognard. Wargame Vault has an armory full of wargaming rules, accessories, paper terrain, and other essentials. From historical wargaming to futuristic skirmish and tactical scenarios, pilfer these pugnacious offerings from past and present designers around the globe. 

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Ulisses Spiele

In partnership with German RPG publisher Ulisses Spiele, we operate the Ulisses EBook site featuring digital editions of Ulisses titles.

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Pegasus Digital

In partnership with German RPG publisher Pegasus Spiele, we operate the Pegasus Digital site featuring digital editions of Pegasus titles.

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Want to start creating your titles now? 


DriveThru Publishing Partner Account

Choose this option if you’re making titles based on your own intellectual property, your own game line, or an approved game line through an official licensor. If you’re creating for a Community Content Program like Dungeon Master’s Guild, Storytellers Vault, or Pathfinder Infinite, please visit our list of Community Content Programs instead, as you do not need a Publishing Partner account. 



Roll20 Publishing Partner Account

Choose this option if you’re making your own intellectual property by making your own tokens, maps, or other virtual tabletop assets designed specifically for your use on the Roll20 VTT platform. 


Get started making content for your favorite games.



Community Content Partner Partner Account

Looking to make content for Dungeon Masters Guild, Pathfinder Infinite, Miskatonic Repository, and more? Choose this option if you are creating a Community Content title. You do NOT need a Publishing Partner account and will publish directly through your own customer account. 

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