You can make content that is compatible with the unlocked Storypath system games by Onyx Path Publishing. You may use the game terms from those books.
You are not allowed to copy large sections (more than 500 words) of the unlocked Storypath system books. Including small rules references and stats is permissible; for anything larger, refer the reader to the rulebooks.
Unlocked Games
Throughout the text, “unlocked games” refers to games that are available through the Storypath Nexus Community Content Program. This section supersedes any other reference to what content is or is not available.
Available Games:
Dystopia Rising: Evolution:
- You can create content for use with the setting presented in Dystopia Rising: Evolution.
- You must include the words “Compatible with Dystopia Rising: Evolution” on your product cover, and “Requires the use of Dystopia Rising: Evolution from Onyx Path Publishing” in the product description on DriveThruRPG.
- Products detailing the background, characters, or events of a specific Dystopia Rising live-action chronicle must have the consent of the relevant franchise owner. Franchise owners writing about their own chronicles are assumed to already have this consent.
Scion Second Edition:
- You can create content for use with any Onyx Path-published variation of the Scion Second Edition setting.
- You must include the words “Compatible with Scion Second Edition” on your product cover, and “Requires the use of Scion: Origin from Onyx Path Publishing” in the product description on DriveThruRPG.
- Material compatible with Scion First Edition is not permitted, although conversions of such material to use with Scion Second Edition is (see the FAQ for more details).
- Material detailing monotheistic pantheons is not permitted.
Trinity Continuum Core Rulebook:
- You can create content for use with the setting presented in the Trinity Continuum Core Rulebook.
- You must include the words “Compatible with Trinity Continuum” on your product cover, and “Requires the use of Trinity Continuum Core Rulebook from Onyx Path Publishing” in the product description on DriveThruRPG.
- Product titles cannot start with the letter “A” or “Æ”.
Trinity Continuum: Aeon
- You can create content for use with the setting presented in the Trinity Continuum: Aeon.
- You must include the words “Compatible with Trinity Continuum: Aeon” on your product cover, and “Requires the use of Trinity Continuum Core Rulebook and Trinity Continuum: Aeon from Onyx Path Publishing” in the product description on DriveThruRPG.
- Material compatible with Trinity First Edition is not permitted, although conversions of such material to use with Trinity Continuum: Aeon is (see the FAQ for more details).
- Product titles cannot start with the letter “A” or “Æ”.
Trinity Continuum: Aberrant
- You can create content for use with the setting presented in the Trinity Continuum: Aberrant.
- You must include the words “Compatible with Trinity Continuum: Aberrant” on your product cover, and “Requires the use of Trinity Continuum Core Rulebook and Trinity Continuum: Aberrant from Onyx Path Publishing” in the product description on DriveThruRPG.
- Material compatible with Trinity First Edition is not permitted, although conversions of such material to use with Trinity Continuum: Aberrant is (see the FAQ for more details).
- Product titles cannot start with the letter “A” or “Æ”.
They Came from Beneath the Sea!
- You can create content for use with They Came from Beneath the Sea!, They Came From Beyond the Grave! and They Came From Camp Murder Lake!
- Other games starting with "They Came From..." are not included at this time.
- You must include the words “Compatible with They Came From [Book Title]” on your product cover, and “Requires the use of They Came From [Book Title] from Onyx Path Publishing” in the product description on DriveThruRPG. Note: replace [Book Title] with the appropriate name of
whichever book you are creating a supplement for. - You cannot reference any real movies not currently in the public domain.
Unavailable Games:
You may not use unavailable games in your community content projects at this time. These include:
- They Came From Cyclops Cave! and They Came From [Classified]!
- Any Trinity Continuum era not listed below, such as Aegis and Steam Wars
Content Restrictions
Neither your work nor any advertising, promotions, press releases, or other documents affiliated with the work may contain racist, sexist, ableist, homophobic, discriminatory, or other repugnant views; objectifying descriptions of people's bodies or cultures; gratuitous depictions or descriptions of violence or gore; rape or other acts of criminal perversion; scenes or material of an explicitly sexual nature; or other harmful or obscene material.
Neither your work nor any advertising, promotions, press releases, or other documents affiliated with the work may contain any claim that you or the work has been sanctioned or approved by Onyx Path Publishing, or is affiliated with either company in any way, other than to acknowledge that the work is produced and distributed as part of the Storypath Nexus Community Content Program.
Allowable Media
Adventures and other roleplaying game support materials.
Stock art resources, including 3D printer files.
Fiction of any length. It must be prose only.
No other media, including but not limited to software, computer games, music, and comics, are allowed at this time.
Onyx Path Publishing has made additional stock art and templates available. You can find them here:
No other art from officially published materials can be used, but you are free to use correctly licensed stock art or commission your own art for your products (within content restrictions). Photographs are not allowed in any Storypath product, even if you are licensed to use them.
The “Storypath Nexus” logo must appear on the cover of your book. It must be discernible and legible at normal full-screen viewing size, but does not need to be the primary logo or title on the cover. You may also use logos and artwork available from Onyx Path Publishing from through the Storypath Nexus Community Content Program. You may not use other logos or any other trade dress not released as part of the stock art and templates.
The following text must appear in your product, along with any other legal and copyright information.
This product was created under license. STORYPATH SYSTEM, STORYPATH NEXUS COMMUNITY CONTENT PROGRAM, and all related game line terms and logos are trademarks of Onyx Path Publishing. All setting material, art, and trade dress are the property of Onyx Path Publishing.
This work contains material that is copyright Onyx Path Publishing. Such material is used with permission under the Community Content Agreement for Storypath Nexus Community Content Program. All other original material in this work is copyright [THIS YEAR] by [YOUR LEGAL NAME OR COMPANY NAME] and published under the Community Content Agreement for Storypath Nexus Community Content Program.
If you are creating a product for Dystopia Rising: Evolution, use the following legal text instead:
This product was created under license. Dystopia Rising is a trademark of Michael Pucci, used under license by Onyx Path Publishing. STORYPATH SYSTEM, STORYPATH NEXUS COMMUNITY CONTENT PROGRAM, and all related game line terms and logos are trademarks of Onyx Path Publishing. All setting material, art, and trade dress are the property of Onyx Path Publishing and/or Michael Pucci. and
This work contains material that is copyright Onyx Path Publishing and Michael Pucci. Such material is used with permission under the Community Content Agreement for Storypath Nexus Community Content Program. All other original material in this work is copyright [THIS YEAR] by [YOUR LEGAL NAME OR COMPANY NAME] and published under the Community Content Agreement for Storypath Nexus Community Content Program.