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Monte Cook Games | Cypher System Creator



You can make content that is compatible with the Cypher System Rulebook by Monte Cook Games. You may use the game terms and power names from that book.

Create; don't copy. You are not allowed to copy large sections of the Cypher System Rulebook. Including small rules references and stats is permissible, for anything larger, refer the reader to the rulebook.


You may create your own settings, or publish non-setting-specific products.

You may not use the Numenera, The Strange, or No Thank You, Evil! settings.

You may create content for use with the following settings: Godforsaken, Gods of the Fall, Masters of the Night, Predation, The Heartwood, The Revel, Unmasked.

You may refer to and describe locations, creatures, events, NPCs, and similar setting content from the following titles (although you may not duplicate content from those books):

  • Claim the Sky
  • First Responders
  • Godforsaken
  • Gods of the Fall
  • Predation
  • Stay Alive!
  • The Origin
  • The Stars Are Fire
  • Unmasked
  • We Are All Mad Here

In all of the above cases, you must indicate compatibility on the cover with the words “Compatible with the [setting name] campaign setting” and include “Requires the use of [product containing the campaign setting] from Monte Cook Games” in the product description on DriveThruRPG. For example, if your product contains content for Masters of the Night, you must include the words “Compatible with the Masters of the Night campaign setting” on your product cover, and “Requires the use of Stay Alive! from Monte Cook Games” in the product description.

We may allow use of other settings published by Monte Cook Games in the future, but at this time no other settings are available for use.


Roleplaying game materials only.

No fiction except short vignettes in an RPG work.

No software or comics.


No art can be used from Monte Cook Games publications. You may use artwork included in art packs available from Monte Cook Games through the Cypher System Creator program. When using this artwork, you must credit the artist.

For example, the first art kit can be found here.

AI Art

This Community Content Program follows the DTRPG Guidelines with AI Art.

Tool- and AI-Generated Images

The following policy applies only to titles listed by publishers on DriveThruRPG. Other sites and community programs are, for now, exempt from these rules.

3rd Party Tool-Generated Images

All product listings that feature art or maps generated using a tool or service designed to reduce or offset the artistic process (such as donjon, Inkarnate, or Dungeondraft) are required to utilize the Format > Creation Method > 3rd Party Tool-Made title filter, except in the following instances:

the tool uses only art assets that you have created by hand;
the art has undergone additional processing or modification post-generation (such as animating generated maps or tokens, painting and compositing over content, etc.); or
the product is expressly approved by OneBookShelf.

AI-Generated Images

All product listings that feature art created automatically by an AI-generation tool meant to bypass or replace human artistry, such as ArtBreeder, MidJourney, NightCafe, etc. are required to utilize the Format > Creation Method > AI-Generated title filter, except in the following instances:

the art has undergone significant processing/modification post-generation; or
the product is expressly approved by OneBookShelf.

Note for AI-Generated Stock Art

Titles containing any art rendered by AI-generated tools that are sold as "Stock Art" (under the Product Type > Publisher Resources filter) must also display the following statement in their product description:

This product contains assets that were, wholly or in part, procedurally generated with the aid of creative software(s) powered by machine learning.

Titles that do not comply are subject to removal from the marketplace. Repeat offenders may have their publishing permissions revoked.

How To Create a PDF


Lay out your Digital PDF from scratch...

QUICK SPECS (PDF) - To get you started.

QUICK CHECKLIST (PDF) - To be sure you don't miss anything.

Microsoft Word Tutorial and templates

Download MS Word Tutorial - Advice on how to use Microsoft Word, and a few other programs to prepare a DIGITAL ONLY title. POD titles can not be created in Word
Download MS Word Templates - A ZIP file containing Word (94) templates for 6" x 9", 6.14" X 9.21", 6.25" X 10.25", 7" x 10", 8.5" x 11", and 8.25" x 11" products.

InDesign Tutorial and templates

Download InDesign Tutorial - This tutorial will offer you some advice on how to use Adobe InDesign to prepare an optimized digital edition PDF book.
Download InDesign Templates - A ZIP file containing CS4 InDesign templates for6" x 9", 6.14" X 9.21", 6.25" X 10.25", 7" x 10", 8.5" x 11", and 8.25" x 11" products.

Scribus Tutorial and templates

Download Scribus Tutorial - This tutorial will offer you some advice on how to use Scribus to prepare an optimized digital edition PDF book. Scribus is a free layout program available at
Download Scribus Templates - A ZIP file containing Scribus templates for 6" x 9", 6.14" x 9.21", 6.625" x 10.25", 7" x 10", 8.5" x 11", and 8.25" x 11" products

EPUB & MOBI Tutorial and templates

EPUB & MOBI EXPORT TUTORIAL - FROM INDESIGN (PDF) - To show you how to prepare your InDesign file for export to the ePub format, and how to use Calibre to convert your ePub file to the Mobi format.

EPUB & MOBI EXPORT TUTORIAL - FROM MICROSOFT WORD (PDF) - To show you how to prepare your Microsoft Word file for export to the ePub format, and how to use Calibre to convert your ePub file to the Mobi format.

Phone PDF 
Phone PDF information and file creation guide


You've already created a PDF and want to see if it's upload ready. Our PDF's for Digital Titles are best when a few guidelines are followed. Check the links below to get your files ready!


You've already created your PDF and want to add enhancements.


Once your print files are ready to upload...

  • UPLOAD - Will show you where and how to upload your files for digital download


Do not security-lock your Digital PDF. For our watermarking security process to work, the PDF files must be unlocked (so they can still be edited). We add the watermark at checkout and then lock the file ourselves.

Logos and Trade Dress

The Cypher System Creator logo must appear on the cover of your work.

It must be discernible and legible at normal full-screen viewing size, but does not need to be large and should not be the primary logo or title on the cover.

You may not use the trade dress affiliated with the Cypher System Rulebook, other Monte Cook Games titles, or the Monte Cook Games logo or the Cypher System logo.

Creator Templates

You are encouraged (but not required) to use the template(s) found [here] when creating your work.

Templates can be found for InDesign and Word.


The following text must appear within your product, wherever the work otherwise lists legal and copyright information:

This product was created under license. CYPHER SYSTEM and its logo, and CYPHER SYSTEM CREATOR and its logo, are trademarks of Monte Cook Games, LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries. All Monte Cook Games characters and character names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof, are trademarks of Monte Cook Games, LLC.

This work contains material that is copyright Monte Cook Games, LLC and/or other authors. Such material is used with permission under the Community Content Agreement for Cypher System Creator.

All other original material in this work is copyright [2016] by [your legal name or company name] and published under the Community Content Agreement for Cypher System Creator.

All Community Creator Content using Monte Cook Games property must include the following on the cover:

Requires the Cypher System Rulebook from Monte Cook Games. Distributed through the Cypher System CreatorTM at DriveThruRPG.

In the Product Description field when setting up the title on DriveThruRPG, you must include:

Requires the Cypher System Rulebook from Monte Cook Games.


Neither your Work nor any advertising, promotions, press releases, or other documents affiliated with the Work may contain racist, homophobic, discriminatory, or other repugnant views; overt political agendas or views; depictions or descriptions of criminal violence against children; rape or other acts of criminal perversion; or other obscene material without the express written permission of Monte Cook Games, LLC in a document separate from this License.

Neither your Work nor any advertising, promotions, press releases, or other documents affiliated with the Work may contain any claim that you or the Work has been sanctioned or approved by Monte Cook Games, or is affiliated with Monte Cook Games in any way, other than to acknowledge that the Work is produced and distributed as part of the Cypher System Creator program

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