PDF Files

Does your purchased PDF file not open correctly?


PDF Reader:

There are several free programs that you can use to view our PDF files, we suggest you use Adobe Reader to view your PDFs.

PDF Won't Open:

If you have purchased a PDF product that won't open correctly, it is possibly an issue with a font and you may need to upgrade your Adobe Reader. We suggest you completely uninstall your current version and then download and install the newest version as a new install. You can get the newest version here - Adobe Reader Download. Uninstalling any older versions and installing the newest version should allow you to open the file.

Try Downloading a New File:

If that doesn't work you may want to try downloading a new copy of your file just to make sure you didn't get a corrupt download.

Still Won't Open?:

If neither of those work please reach out to us using the Contact link from the bottom left side of each account page.  Please let us know:

  1. Your order number
  2. The title of the product
  3. A brief description of the error you are seeing (a screenshot can be very helpful) 

From there we can look for a solution and will get back to you as soon as we can.


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