Here are some common questions we get asked about our Library App.
- How do I get my application key?
- Where can I find my logs?
- How do I stop a title from showing up multiple times?
- Can I rename my files or folders?
- Can I move my files?
- I am missing titles in the Library App.
- How can I stop a title from showing up in the Library App?
- Library App still recognizes a file that no longer exists.
- How do I clear my library data?
- How do I find the file that gave an error?
- How do I rename or delete my collections?
How do I get my application key?
There are two ways you can get your Application key: Using your account information to log in or use your application key. Please note: At this time the Library App does not support logging in with Facebook, you will need to use your application key to log in.
Using your account information:
- On the login screen enter the email and password you use to log into your account on our websites.
- Then click on the Log In button at the bottom
.If you are a Facebook login user or want to use the Application Key:
- On the login screen click on the blue Application Key link
- This will open a web browser page and take you to your account information page on our website
- If you are not logged in, you will instead be taken to a login page.
- Once logged in, it should redirect you to your account information page
- Under your Account Information will be a section labeled Application Keys:
- Click on the button New Key +
- The page should refresh and your key should now be there with a delete and copy button next to it
- If you already have an Application Key, click the copy button and then paste it in the Enter Key box of the app login.
- Click on the button New Key +
Retrieving your Application key from the website:
- Go to the website
- Login and go to My Account by clicking on the Account button on the top right.
- In the My Library section near the top, click on the link for My Account Settings:
- Click on the button labelled New Key + if you do not already have a key
- The page should refresh and your key should now be there with a delete and copy button next to it.
- Click the Copy Key button
- Go back to the Library App and paste the key into the Enter key box
- Then click Log In
Where can I find my logs?
Android and iOS/ipadOS versions do not have logs.
Windows: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\OneBookShelf\DriveThruRPG
- Open a file explorer
- Enter in the url bar: %APPDATA%\OneBookShelf\DriveThruRPG
- Then hit enter.
- If that does not work the full location is: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\OneBookShelf\DriveThruRPG
- Click on Go
- Then Go to Folder and put in ~/Library/Application Support/OneBookShelf/DriveThruRPG
The log will be a text file with a name like: app-log-yyyy-mm-dd.txt
How do I stop a title from showing up multiple times?
You will need to delete the locally cached Library data.
For the 3.0 and higher version of the Library app you can sign out and back in to clear your locally cached library data.
- Go to Settings and click signout.
- Log back in
- Wait for the Library App to finish retrieving your library information - this may take a few minutes for large libraries
Windows and macOS only: If you have moved files to other folders/directories that are not in your current designated folder, you will need to change the Designated Download in Settings to that location and click Check for updates for those files to be recognized again.
If this does not work or you would prefer to manually delete the library cache file please find the instructions for your device’s operating system here: How do I clear my library data?
Can I rename my files or folders?
Yes you can, but currently only on Windows and macOS.
You can rename your files to anything you would like so long as you can access the file to do so. Once you have renamed the file you will need to open the Library App and then click Check for Updates (Refresh Library for Version 2.0) to update the library information.
You do the same process if you rename your folders as well. Just remember once you are done to open the Library App and click Check for Updates (Refresh Library for Version 2.0).
Can I move my files?
Yes you can, but currently only on Windows and macOS.
If you move your files to anywhere that is in the designated Download Directory folder:
- If you have the app closed - just launch the app and let the destination folder scan complete to update the library information
- If you have the app opened - once you have finished moving your files, click on Sync Library data (Refresh Library for Version 2.0) to start library and destination (download) folder scans to update the library information.
- The folder scan will begin once it completes scanning your online library for updates.
If you move your files to a new directory:
- Open the Library App
- Go to Settings and change the Download Directory to the new directory
- Click Save Changes
- The Library App should begin scanning the new directory and updating the library information.
I am missing titles in the Library App.
Check your My Archives
- My Archives is located at the bottom of your My Library page.
- Click on the + to expand My Archives.
- If you see the missing title in your My Archives click on the arrow pointing up to unarchive the title.
- Then open the Library App and click Sync library data (Refresh Library for Version 2.0)
- The title should now appear in the Library App
Check and see if the title still has a download link
- Look in your My Library for the title
- If the title does not have a download link then please contact us for further assistance.
Check and see if the title is still in your My Library
- If you can not find the title in your My Library or My Archives then please contact us for further assistance.
How can I stop a title from showing up in the Library App?
The Library App is designed to where it will not load titles placed in your My Archives.
To archive a title please do the following:
- Go to your My Library page and find the title that you want to move to your archive
- Then click on the file icon to the left of the trash can icon:
- If the title is still appearing in your Library App list then you will need to clear your locally stored data cache. You can do this by signing out and back into the app. You can find more instructions here: How do I clear my library data?
Library App still recognizing a file that is not there anymore.
The destination (download) folder scan and sync library data will not recognize when a file has been deleted or removed from a folder.
This is currently intentional as the app will cache the last known file location to enable users to be able to organize their files however they would like on their device.
There are two ways you can get the app to recognize the file is no longer there:
Attempt to open the file:
- You should get an error saying file not found and it will now have a retry icon
- Click the Retry icon to download the file.
Clear the locally stored library data cache:
- Clear out your Library data by signing out and back in or or you would prefer to manually delete the library cache file
How do I clear my library data?
Please find the instructions for your operating system and which version of the Library App you are using.
Sign out of the Library App and then back in
Works on all operating systems for Version 3.0.x
- Go to Settings and click Sign out.
- Log back in
- Wait for the Library App to finish retrieving your library information and scanning the download directory - this may take a few minutes for large libraries
Windows and macOS only: If you have moved files to other folders/directories that are not in your current designated folder, you will need to change the Download Directory in Settings to that location and click Check for updates for those files to be recognized again.
Manually deleting the data file
This will also work for the Version 2.0 Library App
Windows and macOS
Please note you may need to make sure have enabled the option to see hidden files and folders.
- Navigate to the folder containing your library data
- Windows: Open a file explorer, then in the url bar put: %APPDATA%\OneBookShelf\DriveThruRPG
- MacOS: Click on Go, then Go to Folder and put in ~/Library/Application Support/OneBookShelf/DriveThruRPG
- Find the library.dat file and then delete it
- Launch the Library App
- The Library section will now be blank. Click on Sync library data (Check for Updates (v.; Refresh Library (v. 2.0)) to reload your Library data without downloading any files.
If you have moved files to other folders/directories that are not in your current designated folder, you will need to set the Download Directory (Output Path in Version 2.0) in Settings to that location and click Check for updates (Refresh Library in Version 2.0) to get an open button for those files again.
iOS: Sign out and back into the Library App.
- Log out of the Library App
- Open Settings
- Use the search find obsapp and click on it.
- On the app info page click on storage then click clear data and clear cache (this will not remove your downloads)
- Launch the Library App and log in
How do I find the file that gave an error?
There are a couple of ways to find which file ran into some trouble during the download and what the error was, and to retry downloading it.
Error Status Bar
When a file encounters an issue and fails to download, at the bottom of the app a red status bar with the message "Some of your files failed to download. Click here to view error" will appear.
Clicking on the bar will cause a pop up to appear. This will list all the titles that had a file that encountered an error.
This will list a basic error message and the title name.
If you would like to retry downloading the file, then you can click on the title to go to the title information page. Once there look for the file with a darker gray bar and a retry button (white circle with a blue curved arrow in it.). Then click the retry button to attempt to download the file.
Error Icon
If you already know which title had the file with an error, you can filter your library down to that title. Once you find it you should see the error icon where the download icon used to be. If you click on the error icon, right above it will appear the type of error the file ran into.
If you would like to retry downloading the file, then you can click anywhere on the title bar or cover image to go to the title information page. Once there look for the file with a darker gray bar and a retry button (white circle with a blue curved arrow in it.). Then click the retry button to attempt to download the file.
Using the logs
MacOS and Windows user can also use the Library App's log to search for errors as well. Just find your log. Open it in your preferred text file reader. Then search for Error or the file if you know which one had trouble.
How do I rename or delete my collections?
Currently it is only possible to edit the name of or delete custom made collections. The default collections (Not Downloaded, Downloaded, Has Updates and All) can not be edited or deleted in any way.
To rename or delete a custom made collection please do the following:
- Be on the main library list
- Click on the collections drop down in the top left
- Click on the gear icon to the right of the collection you wish to rename or delete
- A new box will appear
- To edit the collection's name - just type the new name in the text box and click save
- To delete the collection - click on the delete collection button, then click the yes button on the confirm delete pop up